Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Suggested Story Ideas

The following are suggested ideas for stories we would “cover” for the school website, all (or most) requested by webmaster Alex Adachi. You can sign up for any one of them to do either by yourself, or as part of a two-person “team.” Nor are the possibilities limited to this list. You can come up with your own ideas. The only limit is that the subject should be one that is of interest to the school community (students, teachers, parents).

MAP Testing -- This year the school switched from the Iowa Tests of Achievememnt to MAP Testing, which is done on computers and is underway now. The story would explain the reasons for the switch, and what parents, students, and teachers can expect from the new program. Ms. Silke Schöler is the person in charge.

Prize Winning Elementary and Middle School Art -- The Elementary and Middle School art programs have compiled an impressive list of prizes in national and international contests over the past three years. Ms Lavintman is the contact person and I have a list of the hours when she is avalable.

 Game Attendance -- STUCO has various activities for this school year. One of them is to try to boost attendance at sports events. This would make a good piece. The officers of STUCO would be our best sources. Possibly also Dean Davis. School Play  -- Elementary has a play due

Iin October. Mrs. Rykowsky is the teacher to contact. Her e-mail is

Extra-Curricular Clubs like Gamers Club, the Recycling Club, Movie Club, etc. could each be a story on what takes place after school. The movie club would be particularly interesting in view of their recent field trip to meet with the director of a new movie about Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

Two '11s on school staff  - Two members of last year's senior class, who have delayed their entrance into college, have been hired by the administration to work at the school. Mateus de Carvalho is helping Analia Mostert wih her programs to help kids with reading problems (I think). Rainer Netzlaff is working in the information technology department.